Personal Training
Personal training in yoga is about a comprehensive view and increased understanding of how the body and mind work. Yoga practice creates the for a balanced inside, as well as mobility, agility and inner and outer strength.
There is a variety of opportunities to invest in your PT yoga, Do you want to know more? Book a free consultation. (see the prices below the prices list)

Book a Private Yoga Teacher
Enjoy true luxury and save time by booking a personal trainer on your vacation. Our practice will be adjusted to your needs or to the needs of your group. Your yoga studio can be inside our on top of a mountain, it's up to you
PT Yoga in a studio
One person - sek 1250 / h
+ 350 sek/person if you want to be more than one
Outdoor/Wilderness Yoga
For ski yoga, hiking yoga and cold bathing including sauna, 500 sek will be added to the price (895 sek + 500 sek).
Fia is an experienced, certified yoga teacher, personal trainer and outdoor guide.

Sofia Sundström about Personlig traning in yoga
I started with Fia when I was physically and mentally drained due to high stress for a long time. From the first time we met, she managed to give me a feeling of total calm and relaxation. Now it's almost enough for me to hear her voice to slow down my breathing and for my muscles to relax. Now I have been doing yoga with Fia for several years and a lot has happened during that time.
She has helped me manage and get out of periods of exhaustion, stress and sadness, and just as much she has helped me strengthen and preserve periods of calm, harmony and joy. She has taught me to put words, colors and body sensations to positive feelings and moments. Now I have a whole library to take off in moments when it feels heavy.
Then it is often enough for me to close my eyes, breathe calmly and go back to such a feeling or a moment to calm down again. We sometimes do yoga on the lake, sometimes by a mountain stream, sometimes on the ski slope and usually in Fia's studio. Sometimes I get to challenge myself by, for example, learning to stand on my head, swimming in an ice bath or jumping into Lake Åresjön from the five.
Sometimes I get to push myself with really intense tabata or strength training. Sometimes I get to relax with yin yoga, breathing exercises and meditation. I never know what to expect during a yoga session (that's how I want it to be), but when I leave I almost always have the feeling that it was exactly what I needed right now. The most common recurring feeling is that I get all giggly. I have no idea why, but it's a great feeling to take with you for the rest of the day! Hug!

Tove Rhodin on Personal Training in Yoga
I have had Fia as my PT in yoga since autumn 2015 and can highly recommend this to anyone regardless of previous experience of yoga.
Having your own personal trainer is valuable in so many ways, including getting 100% attention to yours (your body, your conditions and your wishes and needs).
Personally, I started with PT yoga for rehabilitation reasons, to strengthen both the physical and the mental when I had previously been involved in an accident. A successful setup!
Today, I have a completely different focus, which is an ongoing pregnancy and I am convinced that one of the reasons I feel so good, physically and mentally, I am very glad that I practiced yoga before and during my pregnancy. This is also one of the benefits of just PT yoga, it is tailored to you - not the friend on the yogamat next to it.

Maria Bergstedt on Personal Training in Yoga
I have had the privilege of having Fia as a personal yoga teacher for a year. During that year, Fia has developed me into what I have had.
Fia has taught in meditations and yoga methods step by step in our meetings.
It has been a huge discovery trip.
I felt much more flexible mentally and physically. Fias support in my development has been crucial. Today, I feel I'm resting in myself.
Fia taught me in conscious presence, paying attention to my mind, it gives me a greater opportunity today to influence the only thing that I can actually influence.

Ulrik Ottosson, 70 år, about Personlig training in yoga
I have worked in the construction industry all the time during my working hours.
In a while back, have been curious about what yoga would mean to me.
When I turned 70, I received a gift from my daughter, it was 5 hours private time (PT) at Fia.
PT became important to me, I became clear to me that this does not apply to "squeeze" and perform physically without being kind to himself and inhaling the yoga's greatness.
This has meant that I practiced yoga yoga 12 hours (1 course / week) in a "gubby group"
I exercise yoga for my body and soul that gives me a well-being.
The gift I received has been beneficial to me.
I recommend PT if you are interested in starting with yoga.
To me, it meant that I got good insight and the right start to yoga.